Chapel: A Monday Morning for the Hearts

By Spiritual Life Team

GCU chapel filled with students

Every Monday morning, students, staff and faculty head over to the newly expanded GCU Arena for an hour of worship, fellowship and a deeply profound message to begin their week.

“It’s an anomaly,” says GCU junior Chris Jennings. “If you think about it, it’s a Monday morning when people don’t have class.”

They could be doing anything, recovering from the weekend, homework, having lunch in Thunderground – there’s plenty to go around. But instead, hundreds if not thousands attend Grand Canyon University’s voluntary Chapel on Monday’s.

Looking around the arena, there is a shining image of what really happens within the hearts of our students. A professor from class can be sitting a few rows above you while your Resident Directors are to your left, all worshiping the same God.

The beauty of Christianity is that it’s a choice. Believers make a choice to be in relationship with Christ, it is never forced. It’s a daily choice to love God. With so many students, Chapel on Monday is a reflection of how many of us are choosing Jesus. Students, staff, and faculty chose to make faith their own every Monday morning with a genuine community seen in Chapel.

An Outflow of Love

Every week the amazing pastors and speakers fill us up with God’s word, they challenge us, they convict us. Then there is a call to action.

Danielle Rinnier, GCU’s Director of Spiritual Life, gave her reflection on the meaning of Chapel to GCU as a whole: “It’s the one event on campus where as a community, we can come together, specifically for spiritual development.”

Looking into scripture, when Christ is asked what the greatest commandment is, his response was love your God and love your neighbor (Mark 12:30-31), and that’s what students do within the community.

Everyday outreach happens within our community and through our students.

Serving a Purpose

So unique and authentic to vibrant spiritual life on campus, Monday Chapel reaches far beyond the boundaries of any anomaly. From modern worship music, relevant announcements and inspirational messages delivered by guest speakers, there is always special energy that consumes the arena.

“There are no accidents or coincidences in God,” said Warren Stewart Jr., a recent speaker from Church of the Remnant. “You are here at GCU at this appointed time and this season to hear a word from God to set you on a path of not just finding your purpose, but having the boldness to walk it out.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.