Author Details

Adriana Carda
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Adriana is a junior at GCU majoring in psychology and is a part of the Honors Institute. She was born and raised in Lakewood, CA and moved to Phoenix to attend Grand Canyon University. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking. When she is not doing those, you can find her reading, working on a crafty art project or spending time with her friends. Her career goal is to become a forensic psychologist.

Spotlight Questions:
Though I am from Southern California, I did not want to go to any school in California at all. I knew that it was not feasible at the time to go to a California state school. A GCU representative came to my high school and that was the first time I had heard about the school. From there, I went on the Discover GCU trip and ever since that day, no other college I looked at compared to GCU.

I would get excited seeing the commercials on TV and talking about the school to other people. That is when I knew that I was not going to find this same feeling anywhere else, and I decided to make the commitment to attend GCU. That decision was almost three years ago now, and it is still the best decision I have made to this day. I love being here at GCU and I would not trade this experience for the world.

Though I have other roles at GCU, first and foremost I am a student. The thing that I enjoy most about GCU is the community. Even though there are so many other students on campus, I still feel like I am a part of one big family and I felt that from the very first time I stepped onto campus. Being involved in activities from Life Group, to going to school-wide events, to simply living in the residence halls strengthened the community feel.

I am also a worker here at GCU, and that job gives me the gratification that I am giving back to both the school and the local community. I am so grateful for opportunities that I have received here at GCU, and I enjoy every minute of it.

For those looking to become a Lope, I would stress three keywords: involvement, friendships and success.

Being involved at GCU is crucial to have the full experience it has to offer. The best thing is that you do not have to get into every single club or leadership position to do so. By going to events and participating in clubs that interest you, you will get that full GCU experience. I myself am a member of the Honors College and go to as many Canyon Activities Board (CAB) events and sports games as possible. I do not feel like I am lacking in my experience here.

Also, by getting involved you will create countless friendships. These friendships can last a lifetime, and add to the quality of your time here. Do not be afraid to talk to new people, because chances are they might become your next best friend.

The word success is what comes to mind when I think of GCU students. There are so many resources for students such as the amazing professors, the Learning Lounge and the library. Make use of these, as they are all there to ensure your success now and for the future. I encourage you to remember this as you start your journey here at GCU.

All Articles by Adriana Carda