Grand Canyon University – Financial Reports and Continuing Disclosures

Learn about Grand Canyon University's credit rating and view financial statements, tax returns, operating information and other disclosures.

Credit Rating and Reports for Grand Canyon University

GCU is rated by Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service. The most recent credit rating assigned to GCU by Fitch in June 2024 is BBB- stable outlook, exclusive of any credit enhancement that may be attached to a particular bond issue. Click here for the most recent credit report provided by Fitch Ratings. Also included here is the most recent credit report provided by Moody’s Investors Service in January 2024

The rating and rating outlook in effect from time to time reflect only the view of the particular rating organization. The explanation of its views of the meaning and significance of its rating or outlook may be obtained from the respective rating agency. The university furnished to the rating agency certain information and materials, some of which may not be included in the Official Statement, relating to the bonds and other obligations, the state and the Commission. Generally, rating agencies base their ratings on that information and materials, as well as their own investigations, studies and assumptions.

There can be no assurance that the rating or outlook assigned will continue for any given time, or that a rating will not be lowered or withdrawn by a rating agency if in its judgment circumstances so warrant. Any downward change in or withdrawal of a rating, or change in rating outlook or other actions of a rating agency, may have an adverse effect on the marketability and market price of the bonds.

Financial Reports and Updates for GCU

Quarterly Financial Reports (Unaudited)