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Joshua Sugata
Adjunct Faculty, Colangelo College of Business
Even though it was not planned, my entire professional career has revolved around education. My original ambition was to attend seminary or a police academy, but found my way to Northern Arizona University, where I obtained my bachelor’s degree. I spent the next season of my life teaching 7th Grade English at my old Jr. High School (absolutely loved it). I had the unique opportunity to team-teach with my mother, along with many of my former teachers. I even got a taste of an administrative role at a local High School. Ironically, I started teaching because I wanted a break from school, as previously mentioned I had other goals in mind.

Plain and simple, God threw doors open for me here at Grand Canyon University. Even though I was not looking for an escape from the walls of public education and into the blessing of a private Christian university, God had a much different plan for my life that I originally thought. I obtained my first and second Master Degrees from Grand Canyon University, and currently have a driving passion to continue educating adults. Needless to say, education has been a very rewarding hobby that has dramatically affected my life today. I currently serve as a Faculty Training and Development Specialist.

I thrive in environments that are full of variety, flexibility and creativity. Serving as a Faculty Specialist allows me to help shape, influence and support faculty who have a direct impact on student’s lives. I know that for every one faculty member I am able to impact, hundreds- if not thousands- of students will be impacted. My role also allows for partnerships with multiple departments at the university. Also, every experience has enriched my teaching ability within my own classroom. I have been blessed with the opportunity to interact with some of the most amazing personalities, several of whom I would consider to be a spiritual mentor, or at least someone I hope to emulate as a disciple of Christ, husband and father.

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