Author Details

Lauren Abraham
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Lauren Abraham is an alum at Grand Canyon University. She was born and raised in Phoenix and enjoys living here. She has loved her time at GCU so far, as she has made many friendships and discovered what she is passionate about. Currently, she is studying communication with a minor in marketing. She has always loved writing and working with people, and one day hopes to become an editor or journalist. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and spending time with her family and friends.

Spotlight Questions:
I was born and raised in Phoenix. I have always known of GCU, and have been excited to see the growth and success of the campus within the past few years. I liked the fact that GCU was a Christian university, as my Christian faith is something that is very important to me. I wanted to go somewhere I could grow in my faith and discover what I am passionate about. GCU would often visit my high school, and during my senior year I decided it was the right fit for me. I am now in my third year and could not be happier with the decision I made.

The thing I most enjoy about GCU is the community. Living on campus, I have made many friendships that I know will last a lifetime, and I am very thankful for this. I have loved being involved on campus by attending events, going to Chapel and being involved in a Life Group. I have also enjoyed my role as a student at GCU. I am a communication major, and I enjoy my classes and am thankful for the opportunity to learn new things each day. I have been very blessed to have professors who are passionate about teaching and building relationships with their students.

My advice to future GCU students would be to find a way to get plugged in on campus. There are so many great things to be involved in, such as joining a club or going to a Life Group. The relationships I have made on campus have been such a blessing, so I encourage future students to be involved in some way. I would also encourage future students to build relationships with their professors. The professors at GCU are very passionate about what they do, and I have gained so much knowledge from talking with them. Lastly, I would also encourage future students to try something new and step out of their comfort zone. For example, I am secretary of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s honor society. I never thought I would be able to be in a leadership position like this, but it has been very rewarding and I have grown in so many ways because of this experience.


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