Theology Thursday: Following Jesus

I have the privilege of announcing the return of the Theology Thursday, a regular series that has been on hiatus for the summer. Theology Thursday is entering its third year. Every fifth day of the week for the next 9 months or so a new installment will appear courtesy of the College of Theology faculty.
The series is dedicated to faith and the Christian life. This year’s theme focuses on discipleship so each post will explore what it means to follow Christ. Some will reflect on Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels while others will consider the experience of his followers in the early church. Some will interact with contemporary experiences that illuminate some aspect of discipleship, often from a personal perspective.
Christ once challenged a young man to think carefully about the life he was leading. The man was looking for something that he had not yet found and, out of curiosity, pressed Jesus for guidance. Before he met the Lord he lived a religious life, but he remained dissatisfied and empty. In love, Jesus challenged him to change everything. “Go,” he said, and “sell all that you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Mark 10:21).
Jesus does not challenge all of us to sell our belongings. He does, however, call everyone to come and follow him with the promise that in doing so we will find treasure of inestimable value that is simply not available anywhere else in this world. Many throughout history and in the present day have been intrigued by Jesus’ teaching and his straightforward message about God’s Kingdom. Few, however, have found the courage to respond to his teaching in faith, by following where he leads. Those who actively commit to this path learn what the casual reader cannot know: Jesus leads those who follow into life abundant and eternal.
We invite you to join us as we explore what it means to follow Jesus Christ over the next few months. If Jesus’ promises are trustworthy then nothing less than the blessings of heaven are at stake.
See more articles from Theology Thursday and come back each week for a new post. Learn more about the College of Theology by checking out our website or requesting more information with the button on this page.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.