Doctoral Learner Spotlight: Robin Massey

Get to know the learners of Grand Canyon University’s College of Doctoral Studies! Robin Massey, a PhD learner who takes classes both on our main campus and online, shares some of her experiences.
1. Tell us about yourself.
My family is everything to me. They are my reason for doing what I do. They get me up every day. They give me my inspiration. I have the best home life because my husband is my greatest partner. He’s my fan. He helps me do what I do. He’s my encourager, and my job is to help him, but really he says my job is to do what I like to do.
2. Why did you choose GCU?
GCU fits my personal mission, my culture, my desires and my values. It also fits my family. The one-day-a-week program really helps me fit classes into my real life.
3. What have you enjoyed most about being in the College of Doctoral Studies?
We have kind of a club, but it’s really a support group. It’s called the DC Network, and it’s a community where doctoral learners can get together and share tips for success and writing; ideas for dissertations; and great sites that they found to help one another. It’s an opportunity to collaborate and to share how do you do this study thing with your family. It’s just a great support system.
4. What is your dream for when you finish your program?
My dream is to teach, either in an organization or at a university, helping people have better work-life balance in an organization. Or, I would like to teach others how to either be teachers or pursue a degree in psychology of some sort at the university. Actually, doing both would be ideal.
5. What would you like other learners who are considering coming to GCU to know?
There are so many ways to be successful. If I’m ever floundering, the first person I call is the library or my advisor or someone in my class. I feel like I have a great support system. I’m not in this alone, and I know I’m not in this alone. My librarians follow up with these great emails: “I hope you were successful. If there’s anything else we can do, please let us know.” They mean that. Then, just knowing that we have other people in the program. We’re developing lifelong friendships through this.
Interested in learning more about the doctoral degrees available at GCU? Contact us today to learn about your options!
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.