#AskGCU: How Do You Find Out About Events on Campus?

Grand Canyon University is home to over 20,000 ground students, and with numbers like that, it can be hard to stay up to date on events happening on campus. With that in mind, the #AskGCU team hit the streets again to ask students how they find out about campus events.
Flyers are everywhere at GCU. You can find event flyers in the Student Union, in the lobby of your building and even in the bathrooms! GCU’s monthly “Stall Talk” is posted in bathroom stalls all across campus, with their catchy slogan “keeping you in the know when you’ve got to go.” You can also find students handing flyers out after chapel and in the promenade throughout the day. If you are wondering what’s going on at GCU, keep your eyes peeled for flyers.
Social Media
Another effective means of communication for GCU students is social media. GCU’s Canyon Activities Board (CAB) and their student government board, Associated Students of Grand Canyon University (ASGCU) plan most of the student events on campus. Both of these teams have social media, mainly Instagram, which they use to promote events. By following them on Instagram, many students feel they are more aware of what’s going on and more likely to attend events.
The GCU Engage App
The biggest and newest way GCU hopes to inform students about event is through the brand new GCU Engage app. This app has a calendar of events for all the clubs and teams on campus, allowing students to “follow” the groups they are interested in and get notifications about upcoming events that group is putting on. The app is available to students for free on the App Store and Google Play.
No matter how you get your information, remember to get involved. GCU’s campus is full of fun events that you definitely won’t want to miss!
If you want to see your questions answered, simply tweet #ASKGCU!
Watch the full #AskGCU video here:
If you are interested in learning more about all GCU’s campus has to offer or want to read more about GCU, check out our website.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.