4 Potential Career Fields After Earning a Sociology Degree

Sociology graduate looks through diploma

A degree in sociology can prepare you to understand dynamic societal relationships and influences. In your coursework, you will examine social theory, social structures, and social psychology. The knowledge you gain can be put to work to better the lives of the people around you. After you earn a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, you can pursue a career in a variety of different fields:

Law Enforcement and Legal Fields

Not all law enforcement employees have criminal justice degrees. With a BS in Sociology, there are many doors open to you in the legal field. You could go on to law school and become an attorney. You could work in investigations, parole and probation administration or judicial affairs. On the federal level, you could make it your life’s work to improve the security of the country. If you choose to join a federal agency like the FBI or NSA, you might work in one of the following positions:

  • Intelligence analyst
  • Human resources
  • Education and training

Human Rights

You may feel called to a career path that allows you to help those who are in need. With a sociology degree, you might go to law school to become a human rights lawyer. In this capacity, your mission in life would be to advocate for victims of civil rights violations, abuse, and persecution. Human rights lawyers work at all levels: local, state, national and global.

Another possibility is to work as a policy analyst. Government agencies, nonprofit entities, international organizations, and independent think tanks all hire policy analysts to evaluate current policies and influence policy changes that will better serve at-risk populations.

Here are some other possibilities related to the protection of human rights:

  • Outreach and engagement officer
  • Human rights educator
  • Media and digital content specialist
  • Campaign organizer
  • Fundraiser specialist
  • Geographic information systems (GIS) specialist
  • Environmental advocate
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) specialist

Marketing Research

Many graduates of sociology degree programs choose to go into the corporate world. The possibilities are virtually endless, but one common choice is marketing research. Consultants are in high demand by marketing and sales firms, public relations (PR) companies and consumer research organizations. For instance, if you decide to become a PR specialist, you will draw on your background in sociology to develop a keen understanding of your audience and how best to connect to it.

Youth Services

If working with children is your passion, you can use your sociology degree to find work as a guidance counselor, youth outreach librarian or family outreach coordinator. Or, a career as a social worker might appeal to you.

Social workers can work with people of all ages, but often focus on youths. You might work directly with at-risk youth in elementary or high schools, community centers, hospitals, mental health clinics or child welfare service agencies. Generally, social workers need a master’s degree.

At Grand Canyon University, we are proud of our traditions of academic excellence, servant leadership and Christian values. Use the Request More Information button to begin exploring the many academic possibilities on campus and online, including our human services degree programs.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.