4 Reasons Why You Should Study Dance Abroad in the Summer

Dance is a language of its own and has the power to connect people all over the world. While going further with your dancing career at university is fantastic, there are numerous experiences to try that will help mold you as a dancer. One of these being studying abroad for a brief period in the summertime.
While one could do an entire semester abroad, a summer stint in another country is relatively more inexpensive, shorter and won’t derail your current graduation plans, while still giving you the experience of a lifetime.
Check out these top four reasons that every dancer should study abroad during the summer at least once.
1. See the World
Studying abroad is the perfect chance for you to see the world in a new way. If you haven’t been out of the country before, then this is the perfect opportunity to spend a little time looking at what is out there. On top of that, you also get to see how different parts of the world view education and utilize it. As a dancer, this can be especially rewarding because it will stretch your abilities and teach you unique and diverse routines.
2. Make New Connections
Connections can be made wherever you go and it isn’t just limited to the United States. When you study abroad, you have the chance to meet all kinds of people from all over the world. These connections can come in handy when you graduate and go out into the workforce and can benefit you in the long run for future opportunities. Not to mention you can make many new friends from all over the world.
3. Challenge Yourself
What is more challenging than studying for a little while in a new country? You never truly know how far you can go until you push yourself. Studying dance abroad will mold your character and grant you the tools to handle the world once you graduate. Being able to acclimate yourself in a new area will be a major skill that employers will be looking out for.
4. Life Experience
How amazing would it be to say you studied dance in the heart of Italy? Or in London? Or in Paris? The possibilities are unlimited and will give you more than just an entry in your journal.
Studying abroad will immerse you into a different culture and show you how others learn around the world. You will learn novel approaches to your art and gain exposure to new forms and styles of dance.
How Can I Study Abroad?
Grand Canyon University offers various ways to study abroad. You can go to the study abroad page or contact the office at 855-GCU-LOPE.
If you want to learn more about Grand Canyon University’s dance program within the College of Fine Arts and Production, check out our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.