7 Apps to Help Students Find Success for This Upcoming Semester

Fall semester is just around the corner and soon the campus will be bustling with incoming freshmen, new and old students, and parents seeing their kids off. A new school year also means new classes, professors, and technology. Here are seven great apps that can lead to a boost in productivity and success.
1. Grammarly
Need a quick proofread on a paper? Grammarly will help you with all those pesky, little errors that are hard to find. The app is free and is a great thing to have if you are a Professional Writing major, or just find yourself writing a lot of essays. However, Grammarly is not a replacement or a shortcut to proofreading your paper. You should still go over your paper and check for errors and perfect it; the app is just a great help while writing the paper itself and saves time on the little mistakes everyone makes.
2. Clear
While in college, it is a given you will have a list of things to do in your head every day. Instead of trying to remember them though, or accidentally throwing out that piece of paper with your list, have it on your phone!
Clean lets you keep track of various lists, organize them the way you like and sync them with other devices so you can access them on your phone and computer.
3. Quicken
Need help budgeting your money? Or want an overview of your finances? Quicken is the best app to do so. All you have to do is connect your debit and credit cards and you are good to go.
You can create budgets, set reminders for bills due and keep an eye on what you spend. This is a very valuable tool to have when you are trying to budget your money in college. You are able to input when payments are due, such as loan payments or insurance cost; that way, you have an organized financial overview.
4. GCU Students
One of the best apps a Grand Canyon University student can have is the GCU App! The app has a map of the whole university, so if you don’t know where to go on your first day, just click the building you’re going to and let it lead you. If you want food, you can check out all the great places GCU has and even view the lines so you know the fastest place to go.
There are other great features such as your student I.D, class schedule and more!
5. Evernote
Want a convenient way to take great notes on your computer and be available whenever you need them? Get Evernote! It’s a great app for those students who like to keep notes on their laptop, but want a specially created document for them. With the app, you are able to add links, checklists, tables, attachments and audio recordings. It’s perfect for any college student.
6. Venmo
Need to split the cost of the pizza you just bought with your roommates? Venmo is a great app to use when you need to split a cost or pay with multiple people. If your dorm room needs a water filter, then you and your roommates can buy one together and use the app to split it evenly. It’s the perfect solution to any situation!
7. Pocket Points
Do you tend to go on your phone when you are in class? Well, Pocket Points will pay you in points to stay off your phone during your classes! Just plug in your schedule and keep your phone down during class. The app will then reward you in points which can be exchanged for gift cards. With the app, you have an incentive to pay attention and get good grades. Which will benefit you, your professor and your wallet!
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.